Léon Blum High School - Le Creusot
Christophe De Rago, boilermaking teacher, as well as the high school management wanted to carry out, as part of the open days of the establishment, an exhibition of some works whose themes would be linked to some of the technical training they offer (boilermaking and welding in particular).
CR of 05/03:
Friday March 3 and Saturday March 4, two very interesting days; public presentation by Ms. Isabelle Gautron-Carlot, director of the Lycée. 5 paintings exhibited - Welders at CM4 (1740), The welders (1566), Young welder fixing his rod (808), Welding of steam turbine parts (909) and Indian ink, Turbine Francis with ropes (817). young welder has general success. Christophe de Rago created steel signage that the school is giving us and that Mr de Rago will bring to us soon. The presentation of “seeing without being seen” was also a great success, which the students also adopted. Return of equipment on Saturday March 4 at the end of the afternoon.
Related links:
*The high school sent me an agreement to sign (archived)
*Coordination at 2 p.m. with Christophe de Rago and Brigitte Chaignon collection of the 5 paintings from my home and equipment from the FabLab at La Marolle.
*Assembly of the assembly in the afternoon.
*CR probably tomorrow evening.
As of 01/03:
Coordination done with B. Chaignon - posters (paper and digital) recovered.
As of 02/28:
I contacted Brigitte Chaignon from FabLab by email to see with her the possibilities for displaying the easel and their potential support in this exercise.
A priori and without feedback from him between now and Thursday evening (02/03), it seems difficult to me to exhibit the easel during these days, not only without written agreement from FabLab in principle, but also without explanation of how it works of the easel or presentation to the public of the FabLab UtoPi.
To be continued...
02/25: Five large format paintings (4 in 89/116 format and 1 in 73/92 format) are ready, in bubble wrap. C.de Rago picks them up on Saturday March 3 at 2 p.m., we hang them up at the beginning of the afternoon; opening to the public at 5 p.m.
> Propose the exhibition of the FabLab screen,
>Creation of labels,
>Creation of a publication before 02/28 (Social Res. + Adhoc NL),
- February 3: Framing meeting
> agreement on the scope (number ofworks and themes),
>validation of administrative aspects (insurance),
- January 20: Making contact